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- Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu soc.college:16731 soc.net-people:5469 news.answers:4690
- Newsgroups: soc.college,soc.net-people,news.answers
- Path: bloom-picayune.mit.edu!enterpoop.mit.edu!news.media.mit.edu!micro-heart-of-gold.mit.edu!news.bbn.com!usc!cs.utexas.edu!torn!news.ccs.queensu.ca!qucis.queensu.ca!dalamb
- From: dalamb@qucis.queensu.ca (David Lamb)
- Subject: FAQ: College Email Addresses 1/3 [Monthly posting]
- Message-ID: <faq1_724597813@qucis.QueensU.CA>
- Followup-To: poster
- Supersedes: <faq1_722005814@qucis.QueensU.CA>
- Reply-To: dalamb@qucis.queensu.ca
- Organization: Computing & Information Science, Queen's University
- Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1992 13:10:20 GMT
- Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
- Expires: Sat, 30 Jan 1993 13:10:13 GMT
- Lines: 1127
- Archive-name: college-email/part1
- Last-Modified: Tue Dec 15 14:12:18 1992 by David Lamb
- Version: 3.24
- This is a summary of how to find email addresses for undergraduate and
- graduate students, faculty and staff at various colleges and universities. If
- your university is not listed, send me a detailed description of how to find
- email addresses there and I'll add it to this list. Please mail ADDITIONS,
- dalamb@qucis.queensu.ca.
- I will *not* answer requests for help finding a specific address; if the
- school is not listed in this posting, I probably do not have any information
- about the site, and certainly do not have the time to answer the mail.
- An updated version of this list is posted every once in a while to the
- newsgroups soc.college, soc.net-people and news.answers. The version date for
- this list is located at the top of the file. The list is also available via
- anonymous ftp from ftp.qucis.queensu.ca (host in the directory
- pub/dalamb/college-email as the files faq1.text, faq2.text, and faq3.text.
- You can also get the file by anonymous ftp from rtfm.mit.edu ( in
- the file /pub/usenet/soc.college/Student_Email_Addresses, or by sending a mail
- message to "archive-server@qucis.queensu.ca" with the subject
- send dalamb/college-email
- or by sending a message to "mail-server@pit-manager.mit.edu" with the subject
- send usenet/soc.college/Student_Email_Addresses
- A copy of this file may be found on the WAIS server at wais.cic.net,
- thanks to Edward Vielmetti (emv@msen.com, emv@cic.net).
- After a discussion of general facilities for locating email addresses,
- we present detailed information on locating the email addresses of
- students, faculty and staff at various universities.
- Disclaimer: Most universities have restrictions on the uses of
- directory information. So don't use this info for commercial purposes
- or whatnot without securing permission from the individual colleges
- and universities.
- ;;; ********************************
- ;;; General Facilities *************
- ;;; ********************************
- There are several general facilities for locating an email address.
- We concentrate on those usable from the internet.
- o finger
- Finger is a user information lookup program that lists the login name,
- full name, office location and phone number (if known), login time,
- idle time, time mail was last read, and the contents of the .plan and
- .project files from the home directory of current UNIX users. The
- information listed varies from site to site, and not all sites allow
- remote fingering. [Plan files are "sys$login:plan" on VMS systems.]
- To use finger, simply call finger as follows
- finger <username>@<machinename>
- replacing <machinename> with the name of the appropriate machine, and
- <username> with the name of the person or the person's login ID.
- For example,
- % finger mkant@cs.cmu.edu
- [ Forwarding mkant as "mkant+@a.gp.cs.cmu.edu" ]
- Login name: mkant In real life: Mark Kantrowitz
- Directory: /usr2/mkant Shell: /usr/cs/bin/csh
- Last login Tue Apr 2 15:21 on ttyQ7 from LION.OZ.CS.CMU.EDU
- No new mail, last read on Thu Apr 11 16:27
- Notice how fingering my userid at the generic address forwarded the
- request to the correct machine. Many universities are set up to do
- forwarding in this manner, so that mail may be sent to the generic
- address and is automatically forwarded to the maildrop on the machine
- where the user receives his or her mail.
- Fingering using last names or full names may work, depending on the
- site:
- % finger Mark.Kantrowitz@cs.cmu.edu
- [ Forwarding Mark.Kantrowitz as "mkant+@a.gp.cs.cmu.edu" ]
- % finger kantrowitz@cs.cmu.edu
- [ Forwarding kantrowitz as "mkant+@a.gp.cs.cmu.edu" ]
- Some sites with use an underscore (_) instead of a period (.) in the
- full name (e.g., Mark_Kantrowitz), or require an extra period to
- specify middle initials (Mark.X.Kantrowitz).
- If fingering using the last name doesn't work, you can try sampling
- various possibilities for userids. The following are some
- possibilities. After the description of each possibility, I give
- an example in square brackets with either my name (Mark Kantrowitz,
- no middle initial) or "John C Smith", and a generic acronym for the
- method (these acronyms will be used in the detailed listings
- section of this file).
- - Many UNIX sites limit userids to 8 characters, so try the
- first 8 characters of the last name. [smith or kantrowi] llllllll
- - If there are two people with the same last name, the first
- initial (and possibly the middle initial as well) are appended
- at the front of the name. [jsmith or jcsmith] flllllll fmllllll
- - Try appending the initials at the end of the name. [smithj
- or smithjc] lllllllf llllllfm
- - Try the initials of the users name. [jcs] fml
- Unfortunately, you cannot finger to bitnet addresses.
- o whois/nicname
- Whois is the internet user name directory service. Do
- whois help
- nicname -h
- to get a help message. The whois and nicname programs will check
- the database maintained by SRI-NIC (Network Information Center
- at SRI International) for the given names. For example,
- nicname <name>
- whois <name>
- whois -h <host> <names> (e.g., whois -h stanford.edu <names>)
- This is only useful for people listed in the database. Many regional
- networks and some universities maintain their own NICs.
- You can also get some of this information by telneting to nic.ddn.mil
- and running whois and host there.
- o Merit Network NetMail database
- Allows one to find the appropriate bitnet, internet or uucp address
- for a site given part of the address.
- telnet hermes.merit.edu
- At the "Which Host?" prompt, type netmailsites
- then enter any part of the address you want.
- o nslook/nslookup and hostq programs
- Some sites have programs which will give you information about a host
- given its name or IP address. Some such programs include nslook,
- nslookup, and hostq.
- o Netfind
- Use a netfind client or server program to search for
- name domain
- where name is the last name of the individual and domain is the
- domain name. You can use Netfind by telnet/rlogin to
- bruno.cs.colorado.edu (use userid "netfind" with no password).
- o help/gripe/olc
- If your site has consultants or facilities staff responsible for helping
- users/fixing bugs/maintaining software, try sending them mail. Often
- they will be able to help you. If you don't know how to contact these
- people, ask someone in your department, or try sending mail to the
- userid 'help'.
- o postmaster
- Most sites have an individual responsible for network and mail operations
- at the site, usually with the userid of 'postmaster'. So if you're having
- trouble with mail, first send mail to postmaster at your site, and if
- that fails, try sending it to postmaster at the destination site.
- Postmasters are usually very busy people, so try not to bother them much.
- o /etc/hosts
- Mail routing on the internet use to use a large file called
- /etc/hosts to validate host names. This file contained information
- regarding the known hosts on the network. Many sites have switched
- to using the BIND name server for this purpose, so the file /etc/hosts
- may be horribly out of date. On the other hand, some sites may use
- /etc/hosts as a backup when the name server isn't running. Usually
- sites will create the /etc/hosts file from the host data base maintained
- at SRI-NIC; unfortunately, the SRI-NIC database is incomplete. In any
- event, if you don't know the name of a machine at the university
- your friend is at, you can try greping through /etc/hosts for the
- university name or acronym to possibly come up with a likely for
- the site.
- If the person is subscribed to a mailing list through a LISTSERV server,
- sending mail to the server with the line
- WHOIS <name>
- may catch the person. For example, listserv@buacca.bu.edu. This is an
- unlikely option. It also does not work with all listserv implementations.
- o Internet to America Online
- Creating the Internet version of an America Online address requires that
- you know the conversion rule. You ignore the case, remove the spaces, and
- add "@aol.com" to the end of the address. Thus, an America Online address
- "Jane Doe" becomes "janedoe@aol.com" (without the quotes, of course).
- Internet mail incoming to America Online is trucated at 27 kilobytes.
- ;;; ********************************
- ;;; Miscellaneous Notes ************
- ;;; ********************************
- Addresses overseas tend to have their components reversed. For
- example, @uk.ac.dund.mcs will work fine if you happen to be in
- UK domain, but not in the US or the rest of the world. Use
- @mcs.dund.ac.uk instead.
- ;;; ********************************
- ;;; Email Database *****************
- ;;; ********************************
- Amherst College:
- Students, Faculty, Staff: userid@amherst.edu
- Usernames are of the form fmllllll (e.g., jqstudent), but
- truncated to 12 letters instead of 8.
- Amherst.edu has a finger daemon running, but it requires an exact
- username match (i.e. finger lastname@amherst.edu) doesn't work, as a
- rule. It's also worth trying usernames like flllllll in case the
- person in question didn't register their middle initial with the
- College.
- Antioch College (Yellow Springs, OH):
- Flastname@Antioc.Antioch.Edu
- All students, faculty, administrators, staff, and alum who request
- accounts can get them. Almost all follow First Initial lastname
- setup. Offices, such as ADMISSIONS, COOP etc have alias accounts.
- Best bet is to send mail to Postmaster or Laslow.
- Arizona State University:
- Academic Machines: Grad, Undergrad
- The phone book for ASU's Faculty/Students is available online
- by telnetting (using the IBM's fullscreen interface using
- tn3270) to asuvm.inre.asu.edu and logging on as HELLOASU. The
- phone book has both email addresses for academic machines as
- well as the phone nos. (602 is the area code for all of Arizona)
- Engineering machines: Grad, Undergrad
- enuxha.eas.asu.edu -- Unix -- can finger first/last names or userids
- enuxva.eas.asu.edu -- Unix -- same as above
- envmsa.eas.asu.edu -- VMS -- Only userid fingering works.
- Usually csc and eee undergrads who use comps get accts on
- enuxha and almost all grads have accts on enuxha which is the
- most popular machine due to USENET.
- Auburn University: (Auburn, AL)
- Engineering: eng.auburn.edu
- Other departments: ducvax.auburn.edu
- Try fingering at waterman.eng.auburn.edu, lab1.eng.auburn.edu,
- newton.eng.auburn.edu or netman.eng.auburn.edu.
- Ball State University:
- University Computing Services: username@bsuvax1.bitnet
- Some faculty and grad students have accounts on this machine.
- CS: username@bsu-cs.bsu.edu
- Barnard: See Columbia.
- Bates College (Lewiston, Maine):
- Students and Faculty: userid@abacus.bates.edu
- Userids are of the form flllllll. Numbers are added to the end
- of the userid in case of name conflicts, e.g. asmith, asmith2, asmith3
- If the name is unique you can use firstname.lastname@bates.edu
- Baylor College of Medicine:
- The central mail server is bcm.tmc.edu and finger user@bcm.tmc.edu will
- get you any faculty or staff user that makes use of the central mail
- facility. finger user@express.bcm.tmc.edu will get you any student that
- makes use of the student email facility.
- whois -h whois.bcm.tmc.edu gets you the on-line phone/address book.
- This is directly tied to the BCM personnel database, so the information
- is as accurate as possible.
- Questions about these facilities should be directed to
- postmaster@bcm.tmc.edu
- Birmingham-Southern College (Birmingham, AL):
- bsc835!userid@uunet.uu.net where userid are of the form
- flllllll. Postmaster is bsc835!jbaxter@uunet.uu.net.
- Boston Univ.:
- Main campus system: acs.bu.edu. Everyone can get accounts on this
- machine, but not everyone does. Call the person and ask (they may
- never log on even if they have an account). Student Directory
- 617-353-3700, Faculty 617-353-2000. Usernames are any "socially
- acceptable" 8-character name.
- Unix accounts: Mail or finger user@bu.edu or first.last@bu.edu.
- Mailing user@bu.edu is currently broken but should be fixed soon.
- CS: cs.bu.edu
- Undergrad CS: csa.bu.edu.
- Engineering: buenga.bu.edu (faculty/admin)
- In the fall (of 1992) BU will set up a nameserver on bu.edu.
- Bowdoin:
- fl*@bowdoin.bitnet, where f is the first initial, l* is the
- lastname up to some number of characters.
- Bradley University:
- Faculty: bradley.bradley.edu
- Students: buhub.bradley.edu, camelot.bradley.edu
- Usernames are chosen by the user and may be from three
- to eight characters long.
- Heartland Freenet: heartland.bradley.edu Free use to the
- public, used mostly by the Peoria public. Use login 'guest'.
- Chemistry: chem1.bradley.edu
- CS: bucs1.bradley.edu, cssun1, cssun2
- Physics: truth.bradley.edu
- Physics: beauty.bradley.edu
- Brandeis:
- Undergraduates: pip.cc.brandeis.edu
- Usernames on pip are of the form STXXYYYY where XX is
- the year the student entered Brandeis and YYYY is the
- student's campus mailbox number. Not all students use
- their accounts, so check with the student before emailing.
- US mail can be sent to
- <Student Name>
- MB <YYYY>, Brandeis University
- PO Box 9110
- Waltham, MA 02254-9110
- For phone information: On-campus students can be reached by dialing an
- automated "spell-the-name" server at +1 617 736 3000 , 24 hours a day,
- or during business hours through the Brandeis operator at +1 617 736
- 2000. Off-campus students' numbers can be obtained through the campus
- information booth at +1 617 736 4770 during business hours.
- Some undergrads have accounts on a more advanced unix machine,
- chaos.cs.brandeis.edu. Userids are chosen by the student; finger
- {lastname}@chaos.cs.brandeis.edu or mail to
- postmaster@chaos.cs.brandeis.edu for info.
- Graduate Students: binah.cc.brandeis.edu (brandeis.bitnet).
- Not all use them; write to postmaster@binah.cc.brandeis.edu
- for information. Userid is chosen by the student. A few
- undergrads have binah accounts.
- DIRECTIONS to Brandeis can be had 24 hours at +1 617 736 4660.
- Brown:
- You can send mail to Firstname_Lastname@Brown.Edu if the user
- uses email and it will forward the mail to him or her. To find
- out whether the user has an email address, finger their name
- at brown.edu. This will return their preferred phone number,
- address, and email address if they use it.
- You can also try looking for undergrads on: brownvm.brown.edu
- (brownvm.bitnet) Username is some random alphanumerics.
- CS: cs.brown.edu (userids are usually initials)
- Bryn Mawr College:
- The former is fingerable, unlike the .bitnet address. This
- machine is mostly used by undergrads.
- Bucknell University:
- general: username@bucknell.edu
- cs: username@pollux.bucknell.edu
- usernames are typically last names, but if the last name is
- 4 letters or shorter, the first and middle initials are
- tacked onto the front.
- First initials are frequently used in usernames. The
- first user with any given last name who gets an account gets just
- his last name as the username. Every subsequent person with that name
- gets a first initial and then middle initials are used.
- Example:
- username person
- -------- ------
- murray Betty Murray, switchboard operator
- dmurray David Murray, senior
- jmurray Jeff Murray, senior
- jemurray Jonathan Murray, freshman
- California Inst. of Tech:
- CCO MACHINES (undergrad/grad/general) CCO means campus computing org.
- Unix:
- tybalt.caltech.edu: also called tybalt.cco.caltech.edu or
- truebalt. There are about 15 machines on this cluster of
- Suns/NeXTs. The mail server is actually called
- cobalt.caltech.edu or cobalt.cco.caltech.edu (either one
- works). All of these are equally good.
- VMS: Juliet.caltech.edu. Also romeo,hamlet,iago,portia.
- These are all the same vax cluster.
- Undergrad Computer Science (also used by a lot of people who don't fit
- this discription. a fairly well used cluster. HP Bobcats
- running Unix).
- through.ugcs.caltech.edu (aka through.caltech.edu) is the server.
- Also, with the same endings: within, above, from, toward,
- around, beyond, over, betwixt, inside, near, besides,
- beneath, opposite, behind, amongst, atop, astride,
- against....., vex,heckle,irk,harry,grate,bullyrag,plague,torment,
- molest, and badger (the irc server).
- CS department (grad/undergrad/fac...not that well used).
- csvax.cs.caltech.edu (runs unix).
- California Polytechnic State Univ./San Luis Obispo (Cal Poly, SLO):
- polyslo.CalPoly.edu
- California State University/Chico: csuchico.edu
- California State University/Sacramento: csus.edu
- Calvin College: calvin.edu
- Use 'finger name@calvin.edu' (eg firstname or lastname) to find
- addresses, since userids include parts of student numbers, so are
- hard to guess.
- Students: flllllnn (first intitial, first 5 of last name,
- last 2 digits of student number; except lastnames starting with
- Dutch prefixes Van Vander Vande etc., where just the v and first 4
- letters of second part of lastname. Thus Henk Vander Bos, #123456,
- becomes hvbos56, Al Shoemaker, #987654, becomes ashoem54)
- (formerly s0###### where ###### is the student id number)
- Faculty/staff: xxxx@calvin.edu where "xxxx" is the standard
- faculty abbrevation, often lastname
- Carnegie Mellon University:
- Undergrad: andrew.cmu.edu
- Grad CS: cs.cmu.edu
- Grad Robotics: ri.cmu.edu
- ECE: ece.cmu.edu
- Mail sent to Fname.MI.Lname@andrew.cmu.edu works, even if the name
- is slightly misspelled. Andrew usernames are two initials followed
- by two random characters. Mail to CS/RI may be sent to
- Fname.Lname@cs.cmu.edu. CS/RI usernames are arbitrary names selected
- by the user. If you wish to send to the username, add a + at
- the end of the name: mkant+@cs.cmu.edu
- bitnet.cc.cmu.edu (carnegie.bitnet) is the gateway to bitnet.
- The CMU.EDU domain name has now been enabled for use of the new
- campus-wide mail/finger service.
- Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland:
- po.cwru.edu is the post office. Every student and professor
- has access to email through this machine. (Not everybody
- activates their account, however.) User ids are of the form
- fml##, where ## is a number, probably less than 30. The number
- is omitted if equal to 1. If there's no middle initial, m
- is an 'x'.
- skybridge.scl.cwru.edu is the server for the undergraduate
- computer lab. The user ids on that machine are the full last
- name, for the most part. (Mainly CS and EE's on this machine.)
- If a student is in the dorms, they have their own internet
- number, so you can FTP to their PC. Such machines are named
- b#####.student.cwru.edu where # is some digit.
- Catholic University of America
- username@cua.edu (Internet)
- username@cua.bitnet (BITNet)
- All usernames are limited to 12 characters. For students, names are 2
- digits followed by lastname. For faculty and staff, usernames are the
- last name, occasionally with the first initial tacked on at the end.
- City University of New York (CUNY):
- cunyvm.bitnet
- Userids:
- Students: A99SC
- Faculty: AAASC
- Liasons: LIASC
- Where A is any letter from A to Z
- Where 9 is any number from 1 to 9
- And SC is the initals for the college within City University.
- For example: HC - Hunter College
- QC - Queens College
- BC - Brooklyn College
- SI - College of Staten Island
- LG - Laguardia Community College
- BB - Bernard Baruch College.
- YC - York College
- Claremont McKenna College, Claremont, CA:
- flast@cmcvx1.claremont.edu (VAX-VMS)
- Clark College:
- firstname.lastname@clark.edu, or userid@clark.edu. Send
- mail to postmaster@clark.edu if you have difficulty.
- Note: this is not Clark University (clarku.edu).
- Clark University:
- vax.clarku.edu and black.clarku.edu
- Clarkson University:
- craft.camp.clarkson.edu _ALL_ students are given an account
- on this machine.
- sun.soe.clarkson.edu School of Engineering Sun server. A lot
- of students doing research have accounts
- on this machine.
- clvm.clarkson.edu Administrative computer. Fairly isolated.
- Profs. and Admin. have accounts on this
- computer for things like class lists.
- (I'm not sure how much use this is because
- it seems that all you can do is find out
- if someone is logged in or not.)
- craft.camp and sun.soe are very usefull for finding students and
- many faculty also have accounts on these machines.
- Clemson University:
- clemson.clemson.edu (VMS)
- Engineering: eng.clemson.edu
- Cleveland State University:
- Engineering students with an account on the vax cluster may be reached
- at the following address: xxx9999@csvaxd.csuohio.edu, where xxx is the
- first three letters of their last name and 9999 is the last four
- digits of their social security number.
- A possible person to ask for help might be Linda Herrington at
- linda@csvaxd.csuohio.edu.
- Colby:
- f_m_lastname@colby.edu
- You can figure username, firstname, or lastname.
- College of William & Mary (Williamsburg, VA):
- fmllll@news.cc.wm.edu
- Colorado College:
- Students: F_LLLLLLLL%CCNODE@vaxf.colorado.edu
- Faculty: FLLLLLL%CCNODE@vaxf.colorado.edu.
- This does not support finger since it is not a real internet node.
- Columbia:
- Undergrads, Grads: cunix{a,b,f}.cc.columbia.edu
- Columbia students [only] can get free accounts. Anybody
- affiliated with Columbia, Barnard, and Teachers College can
- pay for an account which has less limitations than the free
- ones. The best way to finger them is name@cunix.cc.columbia.edu.
- CS Grads and Faculty: cs.columbia.edu (also, some cs undergrads)
- Astrophysics people can be found at cuphyd.phys.columbia.edu
- Also try: ctr.columbia.edu. This has EE faculty and students who
- are affiliated with the Center for Telecommunications Research.
- Law School (Students): student@lawmail.law.columbia.edu
- The students e-mail name is there lastname plus the first
- initial oftheir first name, so long as this is 8 characters
- or less. Otherwise it is their FML initials. Duplication is
- distinguished by appending a number, such as the graduation year.
- All faculty and staff are also located on lawmail.law.columbia.edu
- lawmail.law.columbia.edu currently does not respond to finger
- inquiries. Any questions regarding mail addressing should be
- directed to: postmaster@lawmail.law.columbia.edu
- General access questions can be sent to:
- culaw-cc@lawmail.law.columbia.edu
- which will reach the law school computer center operations desk.
- Mailing lists are serviced by listserv.law.columbia.edu
- Current lists served are:
- lawplacement issues relating to career oppurtunities
- calr computer aided legal research
- foreignlaw
- clerkship issues relating to federal clerkships oppurtunities
- legal-history
- death-penalty
- crimlaw-enforcement issues to criminal cases in the news
- conlaw constitutional law issues
- public-intlaw public intrest law
- eastern-europe privatizations issues in Eastern europe and legal
- reform
- Request to subscribe should be sent to:
- request-maillist@sparc-1.law.columbia.edu
- Some lists are restricted.
- Cornell College (Mount Vernon, Iowa)
- Most Usernames are FLLLLLL, some may be LLLLLL or FFFFFF.
- Mail to username@cornell-iowa.edu
- Finger: CS: turing.csc.cornell-iowa.edu
- Others: hera.acn.cornell-iowa.edu
- zeus.acn.cornell-iowa.edu
- Cornell University (Ithaca, New York):
- Anyone associated with Cornell full-time can get a CIT account
- (CIT manages the computing facilities on campus). Not everybody
- does so.
- As off fall 1992, undergrads are no longer given CornellA or
- Vax5 accounts as they were in the past. Instead, incoming students
- are given "network ids", which consist of first, middle and last
- initials, plus a number. Mail should be sent to
- network_id@cornell.edu. If the person's name is unique, mail can
- also be sent to firstname.lastname@cornell.edu.
- Email addresses can be searched by using finger on qi.cornell.edu.
- Use variations such as finger lastname@qi.cornell.edu or
- finger "firstname lastname"@qi.cornell.edu.
- Many upperclassmen have not switched over to the new mail system.
- These students still use mail on cornella.cit.cornell.edu or
- vax5.cit.cornell.edu. Usernames on these systems are randomly
- generated 3 or 4 character IDs, which do not resemble real names.
- [Actually, they are an (unknown) hash function of the student's
- social security number.]
- Some upperclass students who have network ids still only check mail
- on cornella and vax5. If they haven't set up autoforwarding, they
- will not receive mail sent to cornell.edu.
- Undergrads: crux1.cit.cornell.edu, crux2.cit.cornell.edu,
- crux3.cit.cornell.edu, vax5.cit.cornell.edu,
- cornella.cit.cornell.edu
- Faculty and staff may ask to have a 3-character username of their
- choice. Faculty are typically on cornella and staff on cornellc, but
- there are many exceptions.
- Faculty and administrators who use QuickMail can generally be found
- as first_last@qmrelay.mail.cornell.edu.
- Postmaster won't give out addresses. Administrators do not give
- out usernames over the phone.
- Students' street addresses and phone numbers, as well as
- voluntarily-supplied email addresses (faculty and staff only), can
- be looked up in CUINFO. Telnet to cornellc.cit.cornell.edu, port 300,
- and type DIRECT.
- AIX/370 folks: eagle.tc.cornell.edu
- CS: cs.cornell.edu, svax.cs.cornell.edu, cornellf.tc.cornell.edu, or
- theory.tc.cornell.edu (supercomputing center)
- EE: ee.cornell.edu
- Bitnet: cornella.bitnet, crnlvax5.bitnet, cornellc.bitnet (gateway).
- Dakota State University (Madison, SD):
- finger dsuvax.dsu.edu for electronic mail addresses for any
- member of the faculty, staff, or student body. Addresses
- are typically the first seven characters of the person's last
- name plus the first character of the person's first name.
- Please address questions to postmaster@dsuvax.dsu.edu.
- Dartmouth:
- Send mail to fname.lname@dartmouth.edu (or fname.mi.lname if
- it is a very common name). If the name is ambiguous, you might
- want to finger fname.mi.lname@dartmouth.edu for info about
- exact mail address. Dartmouth.Edu resolves all mail through
- the Dartmouth Name Directory, which stores preferred email
- addresses for all students, faculty, and staff members.
- If the name is unique, you can even send mail to
- name@dartmouth.edu. Most undergrads have accounts on
- mac.dartmouth.edu. Students who don't use any email address
- get the automatic default, @hinman.dartmouth.edu, which
- prints out the email and drops it into campus mail.
- Drake University:
- Host acad.drake.edu. 'finger' works but unfortunately userids don't
- closely correspond to names and you can't 'finger part-of-name' to
- guess the userid.
- Drew University (Madison, NJ):
- All students, faculty, and staff have accounts on drew.drew.edu
- (drew.bitnet). Whether they use them is another matter. Account
- names are usually of the form flllllll. In case of name collision,
- try fmllllll or fllllll#
- Drexel University
- General Computing Services: userid@duvm.ocs.drexel.edu
- consultant's desk telephone 215.895.2698
- Math and Computer Science : userid@mcs.drexel.edu
- where userid is of the form <prefix>fllllll; the prefix is u for
- undergraduate, g for graduate, or t for temporary.
- Duke:
- Undergrads, Grads, and many Faculty/Staff:
- The mail server is hercules.acpub.duke.edu. Mail to other machines
- will get forwarded to it. For usernames, people are allowed to
- select their own. However, the Engineering school has taken to
- setting up accounts for its students, grads, and ugrads, and uses
- initials (fml) with possibly a number in case of name conflict.
- Everyone else could have anything as their userid, though people are
- encouraged to use their first initial and last name.
- Bitnet gateway: dukemvs.bitnet (dukemvs.ac.duke.edu)
- Math profs are probably {initials}@math.duke.edu
- Physics profs are probably {initials}@physics.duke.edu
- Other machines: cs.duke.edu, egr.duke.edu, psych.duke.edu
- Duke Law School is under the address charon.law.duke.edu, which is
- fingerable, but student.law.duke.edu seems to be the better mailing
- address. Usernames can be hard to discover;
- postmaster@faculty.law.duke.edu has volunteered to forward mail to
- Law School faculty and staff, and suggest
- postmaster@student.law.duke.edu might be willing to do the same for
- students.
- Earlham:
- Students, faculty, staff: FFFFFFFL@yang.earlham.edu
- Administration: FFFFFFFL@yin.earlham.edu
- Advanced computing students: FFFFFFFL@math.earlham.edu
- in the case of an 8-character first name, the userid is FFFFFFFF
- in the case of conflicts, the userid is FFFFFFLL, FFFFFLLL, etc.
- increasingly, students are being assigned userid's in the format:
- xxyz@yang.earlham.edu, where
- xx is the first two letters of the first name,
- y is the middle initial,
- z is the last name initial.
- Information can be sought via E-Mail from opr@yang.earlham.edu
- opr can get you directory info, or user info.
- Florida State University
- A very low percentage of students and faculty outside the science
- departments have accounts of any kind. Those that do are spread out
- on many servers with the fsu.edu domain.
- Most new non-science accounts are being created on
- garnet.acns.fsu.edu, though few students (or even faculty) are aware
- that they could get an account.
- To find a student or faculty member, two systems have been set up.
- Unfortunately, neither is working all the time and neither correctly
- locates all accounts.
- 1: email whitepages@wp.fsu.edu with the words
- whois "name"
- in the subject line, with no message body
- 2: whois -h mailer.cc.fsu.edu "name"
- Other than these two methods, it's very difficult to track someone
- down unless you know which server they're on (there are more than 50
- of them).
- Gallaudet University (for the Deaf), Washington, DC 20002
- GALLUA.GALLAUDET.EDU a VAX/VMS machine. Student usernames typically start
- with 11, 12, 13 or 14, with 11 being the most common.
- The rest of the username is first initial last name.
- Faculty and staff are typically first initial, middle
- initial, last name. The node is also reachable as
- GALLUX.GALLAUDET.EDU a VAX/Ultrix (UNIX) machine. Not nearly as many users
- on this machine. Name conventions are the same as for
- Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech):
- All Users (faculty/staff/students): prism.gatech.edu
- (aka hydra.gatech.edu)
- Prism is a Yellow Pages/Mail domain to which all students,
- faculty and staff have access through accounts issued by
- the computer center. A number of users, especially faculty and
- graduate students in Computer Science, have access to departmental
- resources which are not part of the Prism domain. They may
- get their mail there, though typically people use prism as
- their main mail drop and forward it from there to their
- home systems.
- CS Dept (Faculty, staff, PhD students): gatech.edu, boa.gatech.edu
- user@cc.gatech.edu. (cc = College of Computing)
- Usernames:
- students: gtXXXXy (example: gt6953b)
- XXXX = last 4 digits of Campus PO Box
- y = A-E to make it unique (PO Boxes are shared, blaa)
- faculty/staff: first and last initial with numeric suffix to make
- it unique. (example: sh12)
- Accounts issued by other departments have different conventions,
- but users typically set up the appropriate forwarding addresses.
- Also try: username@hydra.gatech.edu,
- prism's postmaster will look up addresses so long as it does
- not become an onerous task.
- Most faculty and researchers have accounts on
- gtri01.gatech.edu (gtri01.bitnet), with usernames of up to 8
- characters of the format fllllll.
- Glassboro State College:
- Below is a list of computers and who uses them. For help, send mail
- to postmaster on whichever one seems the most appropriate. If you're
- not sure, send it to postmaster@saturn.glassboro.edu. For those with
- access to gopher you can find current email info on our server. It
- includes most of the electronic mail addresses on campus.
- heroes.glassboro.edu administrative departments
- secretaries
- some faculty
- saturn.glassboro.edu Academic Computing
- students
- faculty
- elan.glassboro.edu all School of Business faculty
- students
- irp.glassboro.edu Institutional Research and Planning
- gboro.glassboro.edu Computer Science faculty
- students
- Most students are accessible via <username>%saturn.dnet@glassboro.edu.
- Student usernames are last name, with first initial added to the end if
- needed.
- Note that you cannot finger glassboro.edu at present,
- but should be able to by July or August 1991.
- Grinnell College, Iowa:
- Addresses at Grinnell College are of the following format:
- username@nodename e.g., POSTMASTER@GRIN1.bitnet
- or POSTMASTER@GRIN2.bitnet
- Usernames are typically the first 8 letters of the person's last name,
- frequently with the first initial or first and middle added at the end
- (e.g., WILLIAMS, MILLERM, JOHNSOAS). As a result, it would be
- difficult to guess someone's username. The nodename is GRIN1.bitnet
- for all students and faculty; GRIN2.bitnet is for administrative
- staff. If you do not know the address of someone at Grinnell,
- please send a message to POSTMASTER@GRIN1.bitnet asking for help.
- Grinnell College now has an Internet connection - ac.grin.edu.
- Hampshire College (Amherst, MA):
- username@hamp.hampshire.edu, where username is of the form fllllll
- Haverford:
- Students: acc.haverford.edu
- Harvard:
- Undergrads: @husc.harvard.edu, @husc9.uucp
- Also try: husc{2,3,4,6,7,8,9,11}, harvard.harvard.edu.
- Username is lastname, with a number appended in case of duplicates.
- During Summer '90, Harvard moved most undergrad and grad
- accounts to husc9 instead of husc4.
- Harvard now has a mail server, so fingering at
- husc.harvard.edu seems to work.
- All Harvard Medical School students now have accounts on
- student.med.harvard.edu. The system is relatively new,
- however, and the number who actually use them at this time
- appears to be small. The usernames are of the form
- fllllll@student.med.harvard.edu. This is a distributed PC
- system, and users are not fingerable.
- Harvard Law School students may have accounts on
- hulaw{1,2}.harvard.edu. These machines are fingerable, but
- usernames must be matched exactly to be found.
- Harvey Mudd, Claremont CA:
- Undergrads: flastname@hmcvax.claremont.edu or
- flllllll@jarthur.claremont.edu; in case of name conflicts
- more letters of firstname are used. hmcvax is more
- likely for class of '94 and before; jarthur for '95 and up.
- CS faculty: lastname@jarthur.claremont.edu
- Other faculty: lastname@hmcvax.claremont.edu
- Administration: flastname@hmcadm.claremont.edu
- finger fullname@jarthur.claremont.edu usually works, but users
- can change their fullnames to anything
- Illinois Institute of Technology
- Domain IIT.EDU has servers on iitmax.iit.edu and karl.iit.edu. So far
- no one from there has volunteered how to deduce user names. One
- correspondent said: "try lastname@IITVAX1.BITNET@UICVM.UIC.EDU"
- Illinois State University (Bloomington, Illinois)
- FMLastname@ilstu.edu. Most students do not have internet access.
- Finger works.
- Indiana University:
- Faculty, Staff, Students: username@ucs.indiana.edu
- Usernames are portions of the person's real name. 8 characters,
- usually the last name plus maybe a few initials.
- Student/Staff VAX/VMS machines: (main nodes)
- gold.ucs.indiana.edu, aqua.ucs.indiana.edu,
- jade.ucs.indiana.edu, amber.ucs.indiana.edu,
- rose.ucs.indiana.edu
- silver.ucs.indiana.edu -- Unix, All students ( mostly CS undergrads)
- copper.ucs.indiana.edu -- These two are VAXen running Ultrix
- (UNIX) They're student machines.
- bronze.ucs.indiana.edu -- This is DEC RISC (Not a VAX)
- running Ultrix. Staff only...
- iuvax.cs.indiana.edu -- Unix, CS students ( mostly grad students
- and faculty )
- The email address of any student, faculty, or staff member at Indiana
- can be found out by doing a
- "finger lastname@indiana.edu" or
- "whois -h indiana.edu lastname" or
- "whois -h iugate.ucs.indiana.edu lastname"
- Type "finger help@indiana.edu" or "whois -h indiana.edu help" for
- more information about the service.
- Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM):
- Students: mtecv2.mty.itesm.mx (vax machine)
- academ01.mty.itesm.mx (RS/6000)
- Userids begin with BL plus the id number of the
- student, i.e., bl205102.
- Every student can ask for an account on the vax machine. There
- are other computing facilities as well.
- Iowa State University: fname_mi_lastname@iastate.edu
- Johns Hopkins:
- Accounts are located on
- jhunix.hcf.jhu.edu
- jhuvms.hcf.jhu.edu
- jhuvm.hcf.jhu.edu
- All are on bitnet.
- The default userid is of the form lllll_fm or llllll_f. However,
- students may choose whatever userid they wish, which can be just
- about anything.
- Kalamazoo College:
- fllllll@kzoo.edu
- Kansas State Univ.:
- ------------------------
- ksuvm.ksu.edu All students, faculty, and staff. This is by
- far the most popular machine.
- KSUVM has a homebrewed finger server that allows you to search
- for KSU students, faculty, and staff. Usage is
- "finger lastname,firstname@ksuvm.ksu.edu"
- This does a fuzzy lookup so you don't have to get the spelling
- exact and returns the KSUVM userid (if any) plus name, address, phone
- number, major (if student), and classification. If you know the KSUVM
- userid you can look that up with "finger userid-xxx@ksuvm.ksu.edu"
- (where "xxx" is the userid you want to look up).
- Unix
- ----
- matt.ksu.ksu.edu All students and faculty.
- depot.cis.ksu.edu CS faculty, staff, and grads.
- cygnus.cis.ksu.edu CS undergrads.
- eece.ksu.edu EE grads and faculty.
- depot.cis.ksu.edu CS grads, faculty, and staff.
- harris.cis.ksu.edu CS undergrads.
- (phobos, deimos, and ksuvax1 are going away soon.)
- math.ksu.edu Math staff, faculty, grads, and some undergrads.
- Kenyon College:
- username@kenyon.edu
- Username is usually the last name, sometimes with initials
- tacked onto the end.
- LaSalle University (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
- Host hp800.lasalle.edu
- Faculty, Staff, and student staff: use last name, eg. jones (llllllll)
- Course accounts: xnnn0mmm or xnnnamm, where x is 1-letter course name
- (e.g. c for computer science), nnn is 3 digit course id, 0 or a is
- entered exactly as shown, and mmm or mm is the student's individual
- number within the course)
- Incoming finger (from the Internet) does not yet work.
- Lehigh University:
- Undergrads: username@lehigh.edu (ns1.cc.lehigh.edu)
- Help with specific userids can be obtained from
- lucc@ns1.cc.lehigh.edu.
- Lehigh has installed "white pages" server on lehigh.edu.
- Fingering for a person's first or last name (case insensitive)
- at lehigh.edu will return all relavant user info (email
- address, full name etc.)
- Lenoir-Rhyne College (Hickory, NC 28603):
- E-mail address is username@alice.lrc.edu or Username@mike.lrc.edu.
- Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge):
- CS: csvax.csc.lsu.edu
- EE: max.ee.lsu.edu
- SNCC (S/m Network Comp Center): lsu500.sncc.lsu.edu
- Macalester College (Saint Paul):
- Every student and faculty member has an account on the college's VAX
- system. Many students have additional accounts on departmental
- machines. These instructions are for finding someone on the VAX.
- Finger userid@macalstr.edu, where userid is of the form
- flllllll for students, and lname for faculty. Numbers are added
- to the end of the userid in case of name conflicts.
- McGill University:
- Computer Science profs, grads, and ugrads have mail forwarded from
- login_name@cs.mcgill.ca to the correct machine. Currently all
- profs have their accounts on opus.cs.mcgill.ca, and grads and
- undergraduates have accounts on binkley.cs.mcgill.ca.
- Memphis State University:
- Undergrads: memstvx1.memst.edu (memstvx1.bitnet)
- memstvx1 is a VAX connected to both internet and bitnet,
- and also serves as the domain name server for memst.edu
- While it does support Finger, it only reports users
- currently logged on.
- All instructional account usernames are dependent on the
- course title (e.g. MATH1234567 would be an account
- for a Math class)
- Grads and Staff accounts are usually First_InitialLastname
- e.g. JSMITH for John Smith (but there are exceptions)
- Some departments have their own machines, but the majority of
- accounts are on the VAX.
- Merrimack College: (inquiries to postmaster@merrimack.edu welcome)
- Faculty: except in extraordinary circumstances lastname@merrimack.edu
- Undergrads: Aliases exist for most students as
- First.MI.Last@merrimack.edu
- REAL ids are usually lastnamefirstinitial@merrimack.edu with dups
- getting lastfirstinitmiddleinit@merrimack.edu
- For example:
- Jane A. Smith -> jane.a.smith and smithj@merrimack.edu
- Joe L. Smith -> joe.l.smith and smithjl@merrimack.edu
- Millsaps College:
- All faculty, staff, and students are userid@okra01.millsaps.edu.
- Userid is produced from first five letters of last name, first two
- initials - merged without spaces. In case of no middle initial,
- nothing is used. In case of name conflicts, numbers are added to
- the end to produce unique userid's.
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT):
- Finger name@mit.edu for info about the person and mail
- address. This is the same info that's used to create the
- MIT phonebook, so it is as accurate. (One can finger
- help@mit.edu for instructions in using this service.)
- All students and faculty may get an account from Project
- Athena. Their mail address will be @athena.mit.edu, even
- though athena is a distributed workstation environment.
- Finger @ai.mit.edu for AI graduate students, faculty, and
- some undergrads. Also try @media-lab.mit.edu
- (= media-lab.media.mit.edu) for the MIT Media Lab.
- Try @lcs.mit.edu for Laboratory of Computer Science faculty, staff,
- and students.
- Also, MIT math professors can be found on math.mit.edu (a.k.a.
- bourbaki.mit.edu; however, this information is already accessible
- from fingering mit.edu information.
- MITVMA.MIT.EDU is the gateway to bitnet.
- Michigan State Univ.:
- @frith.egr.msu.edu @eecae.ee.msu.edu, @kira.ee.msu.edu
- @cpsin.cps.msu.edu @cpsvax.cps.msu.edu
- All college of Engineering students and faculty (includes CPS
- students) that have requested an account will have the address:
- user@egr.msu.edu (user@msuegr.bitnet)
- where "user" is usually the last name, but is often some other
- combination of first name, initials, etc to provide uniqueness
- throughout the college.
- In Addition, CPS students and faculty can receive mail at
- user@cps.msu.edu
- with the rules for "user" being the same as above. As far as I know,
- the same user-id is used on both "egr.msu.edu" and "cps.msu.edu".
- General EMAIL accounts are available on Computer Center machines,
- usually the IBM3090.
- user@ibm.cl.msu.edu user@msu.bitnet
- and also the Convex
- user@convex.cl.msu.edu
- I don't know what the rules are for determining user IDs for Computer
- Center machines.
- MSU Information is (517) 355-1855.
- Michigan Technological University:
- mtus5.cts.mtu.edu or mtus5.bitnet
- most students have accounts with the format FMLASTNA
- First initial-Middle initial-LASTNAMe (8 letters total)
- finger does not work on these machines.
- Minnesota State University System:
- Faculty (all campuses): userid@msus1.bitnet
- Faculty/Students (Mankato State Univ.): userid@vax1.mankato.msus.edu
- Mississippi State univ. Mail in the form fml#@ra.msstate.edu or
- fml#@isis.msstate.edu.. The Number will normally range
- 1 and 4, it stands for the student number (First one with
- given set of initials to apply for internet access)
- Mount Holyoke College:
- "mhc." may be omitted:
- a. flllllll@mhc.mtholyoke.edu
- b. fmllllll@mhc.mtholyoke.edu
- c. llllllll@mhc.mtholyoke.edu
- Mount Royal:
- mtroyal.ab.ca
- Student's userids are of the form llllll#### where # are the
- first four digits of the student id. Staff userids are of the
- form flastname.
- Entries beginning with N may be found in the next posting
- (file .../college-email/faq2.text via anonymous FTP).
- ;;; *EOF*
- --
- Software Technology Laboratory dalamb@qucis.queensu.ca (David Alex Lamb)
- Computing and Information Science phone: (613) 545-6067
- Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada K7L 3N6